Parents » FAQ


  1.  If you need to take your child out early from school, you must come to the main office with a photo ID. Provide the name of the teacher or room number. Students will not be released to minors or adults that are not in the emergency card.  Give yourself enough time for appointments.
  2. To update your contact information you must fill out a Student Emergency Form and submit it to the school. You can pick up a form in the main office, request one by calling the office or click on the link to print one.  Student Emergency Information Form. Or update it through the LAUSD Parent Portal.
  3. To contact your child's teacher please leave a message in the main office by calling or coming to the school. You may also email your child's teacher here. In addition, you may speak to the teacher before class at 7:30 a.m. or after-school at 2:30 p.m., please try to make an appointment or check for availability.
  4. When your child needs to miss school, please send a note with your child the next day explaining the reason. For more information click on the guide Guide for Parents Attendance.
  5. If you received a call in regards to your child missing school today, it is because either your child was absent or was not present when the teacher took attendance. If you believe there is a discrepancy, please call the main office. (818) 892-1151
  6. Should you have a concern in regards to your child and their classroom, academics or behavior please make every attempt to speak with the teacher. Should you have a concern with the school outside of the classroom you may come in to request to speak to any of the administrators. 
  7. Breakfast and Lunch menus are available for your viewing at the Food Services office and posted in the main office. To view click on the link. Breakfast Menus